MCM Version 6.0 - Updated (internal) of SEE to version 8.2.2 - Added CHARSET_WIN_1250 (CharSet: win-1250) - Added support for OAUTH2 - but user MUST provide access/password token ! - Writes current MCM path to MCM log file - Added mcmFileInfo(MCM_DOES_FILE_EXIST, FilePath) to verify existance of a file MCM Version 5.2 - Warnings written if MCM_LOG_OFF was selected. - Added diagnostics to merge code. - Added MCM_NOT_TEXT_FILE error code (as @@ files are expected to be text files). - Fixed problem in mcmRelease in which slot 0 not freed. - Allow '#' comments after entries in recipient macro list file. - Updated see32.obj and see64.obj to SEE version 8.0.4. - Writes SEE version & build to MCM log file. - Added mcmMakeStyled() function that creates an HTML file from an ASCII text file. - Added MakeStyled example program that calls function mcmMakeStyled(). - Added MCM_CANNOT_CREATE_FILE error code. MCM Version 5.1 - Fixed buffer overflow problem. - Strings exceeding limits in recipient list are detected. - Fixed problem with accumulating CC addresses. - Updated to SEE version 7.4.1 - Additional details written to log file. - Added MCM_SET_RCPT_TRACE_FILE to mcmSetString() to generate file of server commands & responses. - Added MCM_GET_LAST_RESPONSE to mcmGetString() to get last email server response. - mcmRelease forces all files closed. - Allow vertical bar '|' to specify multiple addresses in recipients file, as for example mailAddress, CCAddress, Attachments mike@mike4, pam@mike4|lauren@mike4, widget_red.txt - Time of day added to "Today is" string written to the log file - Added new HTML templates. - Added makefiles for MinGW GCC compiler - Added makefiles for LCC-Win32 compiler - Added function mcmSearch() that searches skip files for specified strings. MCM Version 5.0 - Added 64-bit DLL (MCM64.DLL). - Added project files for VS2012 and VS2013. - Fixed problem in which not all reply strings (ie, "REMOVE") where being detected. - Fixed problem in which comments were counted as recipients in recipient list. - Added MCM_SMTP_ONLY and MCM_POP3_ONLY error messages - Test that have SMTP connection when calling MCM_GET_LETTER, MCM_GET_BODY, MCM_GET_FROM. - Increase MRG_STRING_SIZE from 5000 to 65536 (64K) characters. - Removed edition codes (no limit on list size) - Added MCM_GET_NBR_EMAILS_DELETED to mcmGetInteger(). - Fixed problem in which incoming emails were not deleted as requested. - Added MCM_ADD_BOUNCE_STRING to mcmSetString (adds 'bounce' subject) - Added mcmGetString2() - Added MCM_GET_BOUNCE_STRING to mcmGetString2() - Fixed attachment problem when using two lists (1st w/attachment, 2nd w/o) - Updated to SEE version 7.2.6 MCM Version 4.0 - Added macro delimiters tilde ~, caret ^, and backquote `. - Ignore Tab chars on list macro line unless tab is the delimiter character. - Added MCM_GET_LAST_EMAIL_SENT to mcmGetString(). - Moved letter headers to separate header file (eg: letter.hdr). - Added mcmOpenHeader() function to open header file. - Allow comments (line starting with #) in header section of letter header files. - Changed default macro delimiter from % (percent) to ` (backquote) - Allow recipient list to have a single entry (no delimiters) - Added "Header: string" to headers. Used to specify a user header. - Fixed problem in mcmRelease - was sometimes releasing SEE prematurely. - Option to automatically load (letter) header file: mcmSetInteger(MCM_AUTO_LOAD_HEADER_FILE, 1) MCM Version 3.1 - Added "UNSOLICITED BULK EMAIL" as bounce subject when receiving mail. - Increased (macro delimiter) field size from 64 to 256 characters. - Added MCM_ALLOW_EMPTY_FIELDS. Allows recipient list fields to be empty. - Allow insertion of files by use of @@filename in recipient list file. - Set letter substitution delimiter to backquote or backslash with mcmSetInteger(MCM_SET_MACRO_DELIMITER, delimiter). Example: mcmSetInteger(MCM_SET_MACRO_DELIMITER, '`'). - Added mcmSetProxySSL(), which allows MCM to connect to servers requiring SSL. - Added new merge code MCM_STAT_WITH_EMPTY_MACRO_STRING - macro (1st list line) is empty. - Added new merge code MCM_STAT_WITH_EMPTY_LIST_STRING - entry in recipient list is empty. - Added new stat code MCM_STAT_WITH_EMPTY_LIST_STRING - counts "MCM_STAT_WITH_EMPTY_LIST_STRING" errors.